- Home Language: Afrikaans (and English - Learners are given the option to take English Home Language upon passing a selection assessment.)
- First Additional Language: Afrikaans
- Maths
- Natural Science
- Technology
- Social Sciences (History and Geography)
- Economic and Management Sciences
- Creative Arts (Art and a choice between Music and Drama)
- Life Orientation
- Strictly according to the CAPS documents.
- Continuous assessment and evaluation of learners’ progress takes place as well as a formal test series at the end of each term. In this way we ensure that study methods are practiced and promoted.
- A report is issued at the end of each term. Parent-teacher meetings are scheduled at the beginning of each term.
The aim of participation in Olympiads is to measure the standard on a national level.
- All learners (Grade 1 - 7) participate in the school’s spelling olympiad.
- All learners (Grade 4 - 7) participate in the annual South African Mathematics Competition (AMESA).
- The top 16 Grade 7 Mathematics learners participate in the Van Riebeeckstrand Primary School’s Mathematics Competition.
- Eskom Science Expo (Grade 7)